Sample Vows for Your Celebration
I would like to share with you a set of vows that I offer to my brides and grooms for the Weddings I perform in and around the San Francisco Bay Area. This is simply one set. Once we have a chance to get acquainted, I will certainly be inspired by your uniqueness and be able to develop a more tailored set of vows for your ceremony if you would like.
Do you [Groom], now choose [Bride], to be your wife, to share your life openly with her, to speak truthfully and lovingly to her, to accept her fully as she is and delight in who she is becoming, to respect her uniqueness, encourage her fulfillment, and compassionately support her through all the changes of your years together?
“ I Do.”
Do you [Bride], now choose [Groom], to be your husband, to share your life openly with him, to speak truthfully and lovingly to him, to accept him fully as he is and delight in who he is becoming, to respect his uniqueness, encourage his fulfillment, and compassionately support him through all the changes of your years together?
“ I Do.”
[Groom], will you have this woman to be your wife to live together in marriage? Will you love her and give her your respect? Will you comfort, honor and keep her in sickness and health, in joy and in sorrow, so long as love and life shall endure?
“ I Do.”
[Bride], will you have this man to be your husband to live together in marriage? Will you love him and give him your respect? Will you comfort, honor and keep him in sickness and health, in joy and in sorrow, so long as love and life shall endure?
“ I Do.”
“I take you [Bride], as my wife. I pledge to share my life, openly with you, to speak the truth to you in love. I promise to honor, and tenderly care for you, to cherish and encourage, your own fulfillment as an individual, through all the changes of our lives.”
“I take you [Groom], as my husband. I pledge to share my life, openly with you, to speak the truth to you in love. I promise to honor, and tenderly care for you, to cherish and encourage, your own fulfillment as an individual, through all the changes of our lives.”
“In the name of God, I [Groom], take you [Bride], to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow.”
“In the name of God, I [Bride], take you [Groom], to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow.”
“I, [Groom], take you [Bride], to be none other than yourself. I promise to stand, by your side; to encourage you, and be open, and honest with you; to laugh with you, and cry with you; to always love, and honor you; for as long as we both shall live.”
“ I, [Bride], take you [Groom], to be none other than yourself. I promise to stand, by your side; to encourage you, and be open, and honest with you; to laugh with you, and cry with you; to always love, and honor you; for as long as we both shall live.”
Possible Venues
There are many locations throughout San Francisco where we can conduct your marriage ceremony. They range in price starting at FREE and go up from there. The number of expected guests and the time of year for your San Francisco wedding will include, or exclude, some of the outdoor venues. Golden Gate Park alone has a number of options including the Rose garden.

Here are some other venue options listed in alphabetical order. When you call we can discuss my favorites and recommendations:
Alcatraz Island, the Allied Arts Guild, Asian Art Museum, Baker Beach, the Beach House at the Pacifica, Cathedral Hill, Coit Tower, Conservatory of Flowers, Coyote Point Park in San Mateo, the De Young Museum, Dolores Park, Eagle’s Point, Embarcadero, Endeavor Hall, Fay Park, most any locale on Fisherman’s Wharf, Golden Gate Bridge, Golden Gate Park-Japanese Tea Garden, Golden Gate Park-Rose Garden, Half Moon Bay, Japanese Garden in San Mateo, Lady of the Chapel, Lake Chalet, Linda Mar Beach, the Marines Memorial, Muir Beach, the Museum of Modern Art, numerous Napa Valley locations, North Beach, the Oakland Zoo, Old Saint Hilary’s Church, Paradise Beach Park, the Main Chapel at the Presidio, Queen Wilhelmina Garden, Redwood Grove, San Francisco City Hall, Tilden Regional Park Botanic Garden, UC Berkeley Botanical Gardens, Union Square, and many, many more.
Golden Gate Weddings Recommended Vendors

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